Delpo Plumbing, Heating & Cooling

Quick Ways to Save Money on your Water Bill

Do you ever get your paycheck and are immediately forced to pay off bills? It can certainly be frustrating. Although bills are a necessary part of life, there are several steps you can take to minimize future payments.

Utilities, for example, are one area where people often pay more than they should. Why pay more for necessities like water when you can drastically reduce payments by taking a few simple steps like figuring out a kitchen sink repair or dealing with corrosion problems that lead to leaks?

In fact, according to the EPA, 10% of homes have one or more leaks that waste at least 90 gallons every day. Some issues are complex to solve, but others are surprisingly simple and can be done with hardly any maintenance.

Here are a few plumbing basics you may want to consider if you’re trying to save money on your water bill.

  1. First, it’s important to know where your home’s main water shut off valve is located in case of an emergency. It will minimize the water damage if your plumbing develops a major leak. You can even install water shut off valves for individual appliances. This allows you to keep the water flowing in the rest of your home while you make repairs or attend to one particular appliance. These valves generally don’t exceed $10-$15.
  2. If there’s an appliance in your home that is prone to leaks, such as a leaking faucet or leaking pipes, instead of calling a plumber for a kitchen sink repair, you may want to consider installing a flow sensor for that particular appliance. A flow sensor can detect when there is a leak, and it automatically shuts off the water until further notice. This could be a real money saver, especially if you are frequently away from home or you’re simply not someone who generally notices leaks right away. Flow sensors cost around $75, but the savings could be well worth it and prevent future water damage.
  3. Aside from leaks and kitchen sink repair tips, another common plumbing problem is running toilets. If you notice that your toilet is taking much longer to fill up than it should, or if you still hear water running when the toilet is refilled, you probably have a faulty stop valve/floater switch. It’s cheap and easy to buy and install a new one, and could save you gallons of water each day.
  4. Finally, you can save up to 30% on your water bill by installing a lower pressure shower head. These installations are simple and affordable, and the savings really add up.

Overall, there are countless ways to save money on water and plumbing bills. If you need any assistance implementing these measures, contact our team of experienced plumbing professionals and we will be glad to help.